Wednesday 13 October 2010

Results Of Questionnaire.

The questionnaire was given out amongst 10 students of king henry viii school, all of different age ranges within my target audience as this gave suitable results for the school magazine.
The results from my questionnaire shows that the preferred masthead is 'Henry's Voice' with 6/10 votes. The second preferred being 'High Flyers with 3 votes and the remaining 2 votes for 'School Goss' from this i think the best one to use would be 'Henry's Voice' because it is most popular and more affective as it is more associated with our school. The favourite slogan was 'King Henry has spoken' and the second favourites being 'Bringing you the news of the school' and 'Top news bought to you.'
Most of the students are willing to pay between 50p-£1 for the magazine with only 2 students willing to pay from £1-£2. The top five topics that my target audience chose were clubs & activities, exam success, a problems page, upcoming events and sport competitions.'
For the images on my magazine front cover students likes the idea of there being a mixture of different aged pupils, school teams and pictures of activities taking place in the school therefore i could select one as a main image and use the remaining two as subsidary images.
Blue, black and white were the most popular colours for the magazines colour scheme but a couple of the students also chose yellow, being that they are the colours of the school i could use either or all the chosen colours.

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed the results of your questionnaire effectively Melissa. You now need to create a draft of your front page and post it on your blog. Remember to book the computer to create your final version of your school magazine cover.
